
The UrbanSim team is committed to your successful experience with the platform, and we value your feedback.

If you would like to share your experience with the platform with us, please take this short survey.

Submitting bug reports and feature requests

To file a bug report or to make a feature request, please fill out this form.

For bugs, please also see the known issues page and provide screenshots or screen captures displaying any error messages or steps leading to your issue to help us troubleshoot as well as providing us the information displayed on the browser specification page on your browser and operating system. Depending on issue severity, responses to support requests will be made by an UrbanSim team member via email and can be expected within 24 hours of receipt during weekday non-holiday US business hours.

For general technical questions and to inquire about consulting support, please contact us here.

UrbanSim discussion forum

Please join the UrbanSim user community on our discussion forum to see what the community is working on and to share resources.

UrbanSim resource library

For other resources related to UrbanSim, including workshops, academic papers, and news, see our UrbanSim community resource library. Have a resource related to UrbanSim that you would like to see in the library? Send us a request here.