UrbanSim Block Model Technical Questions

How does the block model implement redevelopment?

The block model does not redevelop existing residential units within its residential development project location choice model. However, redevelopment can be inserted into simulations with development projects. More realistic redevelopment modeling can be achieved using the parcel model’s pro forma developer model.

What if there is not enough capacity for an adjustment record?

Currently, the user is responsible for checking consistency between employment and residential capacity and assertions about how many jobs, residential units, and households should locate in a given area.

How does the block model handle environmental constraints on development?

Environmental constraints as part of block-model base data are forthcoming. In the meantime, users can incorporate environmental constraints into an uploaded zoning file or use the Constraints editor to add them directly into the User Interface.

Can I supplement the model specifications with my own variable categories?

An interface for model auto-specification is under development. When ready, this feature will enable users to add variables and variable categories to the specification recipe and re-run the process.